General Spanish Lessons in Cardiff. Lighthouse Spanish Academy

Our general Spanish lessons are carefully planned and tailored to the specific learners’ interests and needs. These lessons are aimed to develop Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing Spanish language skills in order to ensure an integral acquisition of the language competency required at the respective levels. 


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The lessons are divided in six different levels, which corresponds to the levels established in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL):

In the case of the General Spanish lessons, the CEFR is merely used as syllabus which helps the teacher to provide more cohesion and coherence to the teaching and lesson planning; focusing in the development of good language learning skills through meaningful and purposeful communication.

This does not necessarily mean that your lessons will be oriented towards passing any exam or qualification.

In fact, if you just want to learn Spanish in a more casual language-learning environment, without the extra pressure of taking any kind of examination, you can safely ignore these levels.

The General Spanish lessons are structured and follow a personal-specific planning based on the Cervantes Institute Curriculum Plan (CVC 2006) which could be considered «the international curriculum for Spanish language learning and teaching». Furthermore, there is not a single specific course book followed for the lesson planning but multiple are taken into consideration.

Therefore, there is no need to buy a specific textbook as students will be provided with all the necessary materials for their lessons. However, if you would rather do so, I would suggest the following coursebooks:

  • Nuevo Prisma A1 Libro del alumno y libro de trabajo. Ed. Difusión
  • Nuevo Español en Marcha 1: Libro del alumno, nivel A1 Ed. G.E.L
  • Nuevo español en marcha: curso de español como lengua extranjera. Nivel básico (A1+A2) Ed. S.G.E.L.
  • Libro Gente Hoy 1 Libro del alumno y libro de trabajo. Ed. Difusión
  • Nuevo Español en Marcha 2: Student Book Level A2 Ed.  S.G.E.L
  • Gente Hoy 2 Libro del alumno y libro de trabajo. Ed. Difusión
  • Libro Aula Internacional 3. Ed. Difusión
  • Gente Hoy 3 Libro del alumno y libro de trabajo. Ed. Difusión
  • Libro Aula Internacional 4. Difusión
  • Libro Aula Internacional 5.  Ed. Difusión
  • Vitamina C. Ed. S.G.E.L
  • C de C1: Ed. Difusión. Centro de Investigación y Publicación de Idiomas
  • Método 5: libro del alumno c1-c2. Ed. Anaya ELE

Even if taking an exam is not in your plans, knowing your level can help your teacher to define where you are at with your Spanish. There are a lot of good online level tests, but I would recommend the test designed by the Instituto Cervantes.

(Please, keep in mind that this is merely an orientating test)